Army management is a core concept of Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare.
- As you cross the world map, your army will consume food. Every week, you also need to pay the soldiers under your personal command, and replenish any losses sustained in combat. Note: Garrisoned troops don't need to be paid. This is a good emergency tactic when short on money and you don't want your soldiers to desert.
- Money is obtained by trading at friendly or owned towns, taxes, and combat loot. Food is obtained principally by purchasing it from towns or villages.
- The most important aspect of day-to-day management is thrift, specifically knowing when to upgrade your troops and when not to, as wounded troops who can be levelled up immediately heal to full health. Squads can become very powerful as they gain experience.
Morale is an essential aspect of army management and needs to be taken into careful consideration. Morale is simply a squad's happiness level and can be easily affected depending on certain scenarios that can possibly occur in Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare.
- Morale can be affected when one of the following happens:
Scenario | Effect |
Squad Casualties | Morale Loss |
Falling Unconscious During Battle | Morale Loss |
Losing Battle | Morale Loss |
Food Shortage | Morale Loss |
Not Paying Salaries | Morale Loss |
Winning Battle | Morale Gain |
Squads Members Eliminating Enemies | Morale Gain |
Payment of Salaries | Morale Gain |
Rewarding Squads | Morale Gain |
Advice For Troop Leadership[]
- Soldiers can only be deployed if they are organized into squads. Squads have a maximum capacity of 7. Try to keep your squads topped off as two squads of 3 can easily be picked off rather than one squad of 7.
- In combat while roaming the world, position troops with high sight stats and long range weapons on hills to get a good view on the enemy. Put troops with high health, explosives, or automatic weapons at the front.
- Spread out your squads. Don't be afraid to have a wide profile. If your are soldiers are clumped together they can easily be massacred by a single grenade. When your troops are spread out the enemy has to fire in many more directions. However, be sure to layer your troops so you have a fresh squad in reserve to step in if any gaps form or if you make first contact on a single flank and most of your men are on the other side.
- Don't blindly rush into your enemies, move forward slowly and check the horizon. Enemies won't be highlighted on the screen and if they have camo on at night reliably spotting and shooting them can be impossible. Use your map to your advantage.
- When taking towns, put your weakest, expendable units first and your heavy/elite infantry at the back.