Welcome to the Freeman: Guerilla Warfare FAQ! This thread will contain all of the frequently asked questions of FGW.
FAQ General Index
Where is my game save located?
It's located in your appdata > locallow > KK Game Studio > Freeman Guerilla Warfare. Or you can press CTRL + R and paste in "AppData\LocalLow\KK Game Studio\Freeman_ Guerrilla Warfare"
Will it be possible to join a faction? How many factions are there?
You can at a later stage of the game, however, we plan on adding more features to this during Early Access and there is currently 5 Factions.
Will there be a larger campaign map?
We will gradually extend our world map and add more details.
Will there be customization available for soldiers?
This option is not available yet and we are considering it.
Will there be a more detailed playable character customization model available?
Yes. There is currently a way to customize your character and companions with clothing/armor items from towns. We do plan on expanding this in the future.
Will there be civilians in the game to create a more lively atmosphere?
We may consider adding civilians when you enter towns. During combat, however, civilians will be hidden for optimization reasons.
When's the next update? What's coming in the next update?
We don't know, that's a question for the developers. They usually post a hint on their Twitter and they announce it in the FGW Discord when a update is live.
FAQ Technical
Why are the game sounds so loud?
The developers are aware of this and for now, you can turn them down in the Settings menu.
Does the game have modding support, or is it planned to include it in the course of development?
We will probably add it during development in the near future, however, there are no specific plans at the moment.
There is unofficial modding available at Modding page, however, support for the page is extremely limited.
How come my FPS is maxed at 60?
60 FPS is currently the maximum, this will be resolved in a later update. (This can be resolved by using Nvidia Inspector, a quick video on it can be found here Credits go to steam user Osuepo | AMD users can go to AMD Radeon Settings > FGW and set the FPS to 60 in the frame rate target control - Credits AtomicDeath on Steam.)
Does this game have controller support?
Not at this current stage, no.
Is there going to be a Multiplayer/Coop mode in FGW?
Potentially, developers have expressed interest for coop and multiplayer, however, there's no current plans as of yet.
FAQ Gameplay
My squads experience is showing 0/0, why is that?
When your squad has been fully promoted, they will no longer level up and instead will gain Veterancy levels. These are tracked via the 3 stars underneath their name in the Party Menu.
How can I leave a battle?
If you run to the edge of the map, you can retreat from the battle.
How do I raise my army morale?
You can do this by winning battles, keeping food in your inventory and you can reward them to boost morale.
How do I place waypoints?
Double click on the map whilst selecting a unit.
Will there be multi-player? If so, how will it be?
It is likely that there will be a multi-player mode, however, it is still in the future. We are focusing on the single player part first, once that is optimized, we will probably look at local multiplayer first where you can fight against your friend’s army or against the AI together, cooperatively. Or even the co-op campaign in which you and your friends can play together to explore the world.
Are there factions in the game which can interact with each other, such as declaring war, conquering rival settlements etc.? Will there be independent settlements?
Factions in the game interact with each other, attack each other, lay siege and declare war on each other. Eventually the player will have more options in politics.
How is the base defense of the game? Will there be base defense?
Yes, once you hold a town, your rivals will try to take it sometime and you will need to defend it and you can upgrade your town with new structures. We are considering to add more features to the siege/defense combat. For example, town defenders can build minefields, MG posts, mortar posts etc.
FAQ Features
Will there be politics in the game?
Yes, there will be politics but with simple mechanics. We will allow the player having more involvement in faction affairs. We will explore this in future updates with possibly deeper politics and moral system.
Will there be female soldiers and choices?
Yes! There has been a companion called Anna added in the Companions patch and there will be more female units added in the near future.
Does the shovel, axe, binoculars etc. do anything?
The binoculars can be used for scouting, you can attach it to your inventory and press "b" to view through them. The Axe and Shovel currently have no use, however, it'll be tweaked in the future.
Are there any plans for light support weapons like mortars, light artillery?
Yes, this feature is currently planned for the next update, we have planned is a 60mm Mortar and a 76mm Infantry Gun.
Will there be vehicles implemented in the game?
At the moment our maps are not that big, but for the future, we are planning to have vehicles if it will be needed.
- Last updated on the 8th of April 2018