Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare Wiki

Heavy Weapons are a weapon type in Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare. They fall under the Heavy Weapons skill.


Machine Guns[]

Machine Guns act as a primary weapon in this sense and will not fit in the "Launcher" slot.

Name Image Marksmanship Damage Capacity Ammunition Price Attachments
MINI-24 9 42 100 5.56mm 18900 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
MINI-24-MB 9 71 150 5.56mm 23900 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
MINI-24-MD 9 45 150 5.56mm 30900 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
MINI-24-TD 9 54 100 .50Cal 28900 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
HMG 7 69 70 .50Cal 11000 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
HMG-MD 7 72 120 .50Cal 23000 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
HMG-MA 7 69 120 .50Cal 26000 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
PKM74 9 58 45 7.62mm 8000 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
PKM74-MF 9 58 75 7.62mm 24000 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145
PKM74-MD 9 61 75 7.62mm 20000 SP133 Reddot Sight, EOT52 Holographic Sight, AMT Reddot Sight, TAC 4x, M145


Name Damage Capacity Ammunition Price
RPG-AB 500 1 RPG HE Round 8730
RPG 500 1 RPG HE Round 30420